Our flagship global SVR is an essential part of our verification process. We believe in the power of visual documentation, capturing the existence of each location and its operation status. Our goal is to present an accurate and unbiased representation, providing stakeholders with a clear understanding of the site's operation.
In the global SVR, we showcase the entire site visit experience from start to finish. We begin by highlighting the location's exterior and its surrounding, displaying any relevant signage or identification that aligns with the claimed identity. As we step inside, our trained site verifier diligently records the interior and taking note of facilities.
Within the report, we utilize verification and observation techniques to authenticate the lawful functioning of the enterprise. By presenting substantial visual evidence, we provide a feeling of confidence to investors, customers, vendors and business partners. Additionally, report is executed with the utmost professionalism and objectivity. Our steadfast dedication to following stringent standards and guidelines further elevates the reliability of our confirmations, fostering trust among stakeholders.
Global Site Visit Report (SVR)
360-Degree View
The global nature of the economy today exposes businesses to a large number of regulations, which mandates them to mitigate the risk posed by external vendors, customers and third parties. Thus, vendor & customer due diligence has become an integral part of the compliance process. By leveraging more than 3,000 trained site verifiers across the globe (of which 2,000 located in Southeast Asia), Confirmis Site Visit Report delivers a vital component in the due diligence process which a business undertakes before partnering with an external entity in order to detect and assess associated risks.
You can now experience on-the-ground insight delivered by Confirmis site visit with our additional features such as
Panoramic View